Center for Robotics and Wireless Communications in Challenging Environments

A research center at the University of Iceland for the development of technologies for challenging and harsh environments, such as underwater, in arctic regions and locations with limited accessibility.
Funded by a Grant of Excellence from the Icelandic Research Fund in January 2023.



– Prof. Akyildiz received a new patent on Underwater Communication Networks. The title of the patent is “Systems, Methods and Computer Readable Media of Automatic Network Slicing of Underwater Acoustic Communication System Resources” with Patent Number US 11,569, 920 B1 on Jan 31, 2023.
– A recent paper is accepted to IEEE ICC conference: N. Tang, Y. Liu, X. Chu, I.F. Akyildiz, “Design, Modeling and Analysis of Underwater Acoustic Backscatter Communications”, to appear in IEEE ICC (International Computer Communications) Conf., Denver, Colorado, USA, June 2024.
– Prof. Akyildiz gave a keynote speech entitled “On The Research Progress for Underwater Wireless Communication Networks” at the 17th Int. ACM Conference on Underwater Networks and Systems (ACM WUWNET’23) in Shenzhen, China on Nov 24-26, 2023.


– Call issued for Ph.D. and M.S. student applications


– Icelandic Research Fund grant awarded


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